Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To be or not to be....

This past week I read an article published in The Guardian by Don Paterson in which he implies that Shakespeare was clearly or obviously a homosexual. Perhaps he was sexually frustrated. He married Anne when he was 18 and they did have eight children together. If he was in love with a man why would he be engaging in sex with his wife as often? Frustration, that he couldn't be who he truly wished to be.
He wrote so passionately about love, in Romeo and Juliet there is young love that is so pained by the rifts in their families they take their lives to be together forever in death. Macbeth and his wife were consumed by each other and a want of power. They stood in each others corners until they were literally driven crazy as a result of their control.  Did he write from a personal place or was it from what he observed around him? Was a friend of his the subject of his writings? As in Sonnet 18, he had written,"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee." So many questions still, so many that can not be answered, the answers are buried with Sir William himself. He has given me entertainment by his comedies, brought me through pain with his tragedies and baffled me with his sonnets. It's been quite the trip Sir William Shakespeare, it really has.

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